Our approach is based on the science of learning and canine language, while also respecting the needs and sensitivity of your pet.
Therefore, we do not support training methods based on corporal punishment, intimidation or fear. Even today, many dog training schools still use choke collars and intimidation to obtain results. These techniques run the risk of worsening your animal’s behavior problems.
For us, being ethical is key : you and your pet will be pampered… We know full well that we need to have an educational state of mind both with you and your dog. Taking into account the abilities of each individual and adapting to them is one of the best bets for success!
Our team of dog trainers
Experts in dog training and behavior, all of our dog trainers have completed multiple courses about dog training and behavior problem resolution. We are truly passionate about the world of dogs and proud to also teach humans how to better live with their companions.
Far from being improvised professionals, everyone on our team will have solutions for the issues you currently have with your dog or will be able to guide you towards better training methods.
We are the biggest team specialised in canine behavior in Québec. You will be sure to find the professional that you need or the canine activity you’ve always dreamed of!
The metods we use to train dogs
The methods used during a consultation vary greatly from one client to another. Your dog’s story, his environment and your lifestyle create a complex situation that needs to be treated uniquely.
Dogs may not know how to speak, but they communicate through a complex language which needs to be well understood if we are to live in harmony with them. Asking advice from a dog trainer is strongly recommended to avoid missteps in your training.
While we understand that some dog owners can be overwhelmed by their dog’s incorrect behavior, using violence or cruel means to educate your best friend is completely against our values.
We can help you with your dog or your puppy
To help you with your hairy companion, we offer in-home classes in most areas of the province, group classes, seminars, workshops as well as online classes (coming in 2017).
Contact us so that we may orient you towards the service that best suits your needs and help you with your pet.